The smart watch of the future

The smart watch of the future

The expectations of what a smart watch can do are constantly increasing. They have come a long way from the first smart watches which could count the number of steps a user took and monitor their heartrate. Today, We is developing a solution for smartwatches that enables them to monitor not just a user’s heartrate but also their heartrate variability and spO2, among other advanced features.

We are solution comes with various features to allow users to track multiple aspects of their health. The solution enables advanced activity recognition, which can classify basic activities, track energy expenditure as well as alert users to move when they have been sitting for long periods of time. For users who are concerned about their sleep phases or sleep efficiency, We solution can provide sleep analysis. To make the smart watch user friendly, it is also able to recognize various gestures such as shaking the wrist, double tap or bringing the watch closer to see the OLED display.